![1234 modern endgame studies reviews](https://milk.faraton.info/4.png)
![1234 modern endgame studies reviews 1234 modern endgame studies reviews](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51JM7BurnXL._SR600,315_PIWhiteStrip,BottomLeft,0,35_PIStarRatingTHREE,BottomLeft,360,-6_SR600,315_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg)
This research also sheds light on how linguistically and culturally diverse scientific communities can maximize the contribution of science to addressing urgent global challenges. "When English alone is clearly not providing us with sufficient scientific evidence for making effective conservation decisions, we cannot afford to be overlooking any evidence out there as we try to tackle this urgent issue". The findings of this research indicate that making the best use of non-English-language science can be a quick, cost-effective approach to filling such gaps, facilitating a wider application of evidence-based conservation globally. Most global studies and assessments on biodiversity report significant gaps in the availability of scientific knowledge, quite often without having explored science written in non-English languages. The authors demonstrate that incorporating non-English-language studies can expand the availability of scientific evidence on species and ecosystems into 12-25% more areas and 5-32% more species. These findings have important implications for global efforts tackling the biodiversity crisis, where lack of evidence is an issue commonly faced when trying to implement evidence-based conservation. Importantly, the number of such non-English- language studies being published is increasing, particularly in geographic areas and for species where English-language knowledge is scarce, including Latin America and other regions where conservation is needed the most.
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These researchers scrutinized over 400,000 peer-reviewed papers in 326 journals published in 16 languages, identifying 1,234 studies that provide scientific knowledge on saving species and ecosystems. Sep 13, 4.Few studies to date have quantified the contribution of science written in non-English languages to scientific communities and the application of science.
Here on the download page or here: What you want is “Collection of Endgame Studies”, A. Silmans Complete Endgame Course is a good start. Can anyone recommend good books of endgame studies? Here’s a Troitsky study that didn’t make it into the book. I’m hoping to identify good sources of studies on other themes as well. The book silentknighte5 mentioned, Domination in 2, Endgame Studies, is a classic of the genre although the studies there are all based on the theme of domination. What is the most important thing you did to improve in chess? Log In or Join. Modern Endgame Studies – The Best Chess Books It might be worthwhile endgame training to go through this book and try to distinguish the sound and unsound studies. Many of the studies end in two knights v.
LUDOVICO EINAUDI DIETRO CASA SHEET MUSIC PDF Time Thief Championship Game eswaff vs thegreatauk eswaff 15 min ago. Big Dog 2 Game eswaff vs Martin0 eswaff 16 min ago. Endgame studies are typically composed positions that are solved for training or recreation.
![1234 modern endgame studies reviews 1234 modern endgame studies reviews](https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1439048422l/26062915._SY475_.jpg)
Sep 18, It has quite a few nice 123, but also a rather surprising number of unsound ones and faulty solutions. Does anyone know where I might find those? 1234 Modern End Game Studies – download book I also hear rumors that there are Chessbase databases of endgame studies. Sep 19, That’s a good book for studying the endgame, but not a book of studies. Harold van der Heijden has one but it is not for free, http: Did Magnus Carlsen innovate anything in the theory of chess? Here’s a study from the Kling and Horwitz book with a theme Arisktotle will recognize. Lommer and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available. Results 1 – 11 of 11 Modern End Game Studies by M. The algebraic notation is used and is used in its most. There is one feature of this book which makes it vastly superior to its predecessors.
![1234 modern endgame studies reviews](https://milk.faraton.info/4.png)